Each model has its importance, it all depends on the stage of knowledge the participant is at. Events can be classified according to the content or the way it is presented in Information Overload O excess information, which can be negative or positive, in our case, something like an abundant supply of content. Good events have presentations that offer a lot of content and the speakers are not afraid to inform. The “sale” occurs because you receive so much information that you may end up considering that the measures are so many and, sometimes, so complex, that it is better to hire the speaker or whoever provides the service. Or, you decide to buy the product he offers. Again, no problem with that. Just deepen your analysis of the
product to see if it really meets your needs. Forced Sale (sales pitch) Asia Mobile Number List These digital marketing events are more like sales presentations than knowledge presentations, as they tend to just present the speaker's products or services. The entire lecture aims to show the need to buy books or services from the speaker so that learning can solidify. if you want to learn how to sell through lectures… Content writers They are the most common and always offer good value, as they are a mix of lecture and micro course.

speakers spoke about different topics and at the end of the event a lot was learned. An observation is worth making here it is important to analyze the mix of topics at the event. Try to participate in events that focus on a type of strategy, different lectures on topics related to SEO, for example, or events at the same level and complementary topics, such as basic concepts of different strategies. In the first type, you will learn a lot about a certain subject, while in the other you will have the basics of various strategies. Again, the choice should be based on your level of knowledge. Fairs You learn about new products and services through people who know how to competently present their possibilities.